October 17, 2019
Steinmetz Industrial Systems is the distributor in New Zealand for Redmond Gary Australia. They exhibited at the Connexis Annual Connection Line Mechanic and Cable Jointer Competition held in Hawkes Bay Regional Sports Park between 24 – 26 September. Redmond Gary have been honored to be associated with this competition for the past 8 years.
On the first day prior to the competition starting, all teams from line mechanics and cable joiners, along with one team of exhibitors competed in the mystery event. This was a bit of fun for everybody. Each team competing were placed into two large groups, they then had to pull two fully equipped line trucks a set distance to go over the finish line.
......see full article here https://www.rg.com.au/2019/10/17/connexis-annual-connection-line-mechanic-cable-jointer-competition-hawkes-bay-nz-september-2019/